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Saddle Ridge Newsletter
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From the Office:
Calls After 2:30 and Attendance Calls After
If you call after 2:30 to change how your student is getting home, per the parent handbook on page 8, know that your student may not get the message. We will try to get the message to your student but know the office is often busy at the end of the day.
When calling in your student's absence, you can email and use remind as well, please try to call before 9am. If you let the teacher know please also inform the office. IF your student comes in after 9am and you have not called to notify us and they need lunch know that they may not get their lunch choice.
According to state law, all school-age children are to be in attendance except for the following reasons: illness, medical care, injury or other emergencies, activities or events beyond parental control. Final say of excused or unexcused is to be determined by the principal.
are reported to district attorney. Family vacations, wedding or hunting trips are not excused. Approved special circumstance arrangements can be made prior to with the principal.
If a student is frequently late, the principal will send attendance letters. According to board policy, three (3) unexcused tardies are equal to one unexcused absence. Being late due to car issues, over sleeping, etc. are not excused tardies.